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ArmedPet Premium Catnip, Infused with Essential Organic Potent Nepetalactone Cat Nip Treats 2.5 oz



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Premium organic Catnip 2.5 oz Essential Organic Potent Nepetalactone Besides making your cats extra relaxed and happy, catnip has additional health benefits. If your cat is the type who prefers naps over a feather wand, catnip can be a good way to encourage play and movement. For anxious cats, it can reduce stress in unfamiliar settings. Key Contents Inside Catnip Catnip or Nepeta cataria, is a perennial herb from the same family as peppermint and spearmint. It’s native to Europe and has sturdy stems with white and purple flowers. Although it potent as a fresh plant, most cat toys contain a type that has been dried and ground into smaller pieces.